5 Virtual Assistant Services Anyone Can Offer

5 Virtual assistant services that anyone can offer

5 Virtual Assistant Services That Anyone Can Offer

In this article, we will talk about 5 virtual assistant services that ANYONE can offer right away. For those who are not aware, a Virtual Assistant is someone who provides virtual services to businesses. There are plenty of services that you can offer as a Virtual Assistant. Some of the services are social media management, content writing, administration, data entry, bookkeeping, and much more. 

The 5 Virtual Assistant services that we are going to talk about are easy to offer and you can start offering them right away. Take a look at the services below and select the ones that you like. These services are best for those who do not have prior experience of working in an office. 

First Service- Email Management & Inbox Management


I am sure that everyone reading this has an email that they use regularly. There are a lot of jobs out there for Email management/Inbox Management. Email management could be a one-time job or an ongoing job.


One-time Inbox Management Service 


You can offer a one-time inbox management service and charge somewhere between $500-$1,500 depending on how many emails the client has. A one-time inbox management service is when you clean up the client’s email, create folders, and set up automation for certain types of email. For example, a client may have 4000 emails which are mostly junk and unwanted subscription. The client may ask you to delete all of the junk emails, unsubscribe, and mark certain emails as junk. You will most likely have to create new folders under inbox as well such as “urgent”- emails that you think are important and another folder called “not sure”- you are not sure if you should keep/delete these emails.


Ongoing Email Management Service


You will be responding to all of the emails that the client receives and making sure that the inbox is well organized. The client will provide you with specific instructions and possibly canned responses that you would use to respond to the emails. You can charge the client hourly or a fixed monthly price. It’s best to charge a fixed price if you are sure about how many emails the client receives per day and how long it would take for you to respond.


Email management is a great service to offer if you feel like you can’t find a skill that you are good at or like. However, I do recommend learning other skills in the meanwhile as well.

Second Service – Audio Transcription 

Transcription is when you convert an audio/video file into a written document. In short, the client will provide you with an audio file, your job will be to write what you hear. An audio file can be anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours usually it’s less than an hour long. Most clients will pay you per minute of the audio file. There is a lot of demand for a transcriptionist, especially on Upwork. If you do not know what Upwork is then, take a look at our Upwork article over HERE.


There are different types of niches within transcription such as medical, legal, college lectures, interviews, podcasts, general, and much more. Medical transcription pays the most however, it is a bit hard and requires experience in the medical field or at least knowledge about the terminology. If you are new, I would recommend not starting as a medical transcriptionist.


Third Service – Customer Service Representative 

There are a lot of different types of Customer service jobs that you can do online. Some customer service jobs are voice and some non-voice.


Voice jobs

You can work as a customer service representative for a lot of companies and in different niches. It’s up to you to select a niche that you like.



– Cleaning Company

– Real Estate

– E-commerce stores

– Travel Agency


Non-voice jobs 

Non-voice jobs are jobs that don’t require you to speak to someone. You can work as a live chat agent, email support, ticket support, or provide customer service through social media.


– Live chat agent – Lots of niches in this

– Social media – Respond to comments, and messages

– Ticket support – usually technical support. Most clients will train you on their software/systems.

– Email support


Fourth Service Appointment Setter

An appointment setter is someone who calls prospective clients and schedules an appointment for the sales representative. Usually, an appointment setter is paid hourly + commission per appointment set/sale.


As an appointment setter, you will be either cold calling or following up with prospects who are interested. One of the best niches to work as an appointment setter in is real estate. You will call potential buyers/sellers and try to set up an appointment with the agent. Most real estate agents will pay you per hour + commission on deals closed. A lot of realtors pay high commissions! If you are sales-oriented, I would highly recommend working as an appointment setter.


Fifth Service -CRM Management

CRM management is fairly easy to do and almost every CRM software is essentially the same with a different layout and a few different features. Every company uses a CRM where they add their client’s information, notes, follow-up reminders, email marketing, transactions, and other data. Once you have tried a couple of different CRMs you will realize that majority of the features are the same.

If you are looking to start your Virtual Assistant Business Take a look HERE 

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