How To Start A Virtual Assistant Business

How To Start A Virtual Assistant Business

What is a Virtual Assistant:  A Virtual Assistant (VA): is someone who provides virtual services to a business. Virtual assistants are usually independent contractors who work from home. Sometimes, they work with an agency as well. Demand for a virtual assistant has increased drastically. There are a variety of niches and services that you can offer online. If you are thinking to launch a virtual assistant business, now would be a great time to start.

One of the major questions that you may have on your mind at the start of launching your VA business is “How to start a Virtual Assistant business”. This article will walk you through the steps of starting your own Virtual Assistant business.

Are you planning on starting a Virtual Assistant business but not sure how to? Not sure if it is for you? We have created this step-by-step guide that will assist you with launching your Virtual Assistant business.

How to start a Virtual Assistant business

Starting a Virtual Assistant business is very affordable, and you can launch your VA business within few days. You won’t need a lot of money to launch a VA business. However, just as any business, you will have to put in a lot of work, be patient, and be consistent.

This article will teach you how to start a virtual assistant business. If you are ready to launch your VA business, then look at the steps below.


Step #1: Select a business name

The first step is to select a business name that you will register and use to launch your business. You can use your name, but most people register a name based on the service/niche that they will offer.

Tips on selecting a name 

– Keep it simple

– Make sure the name is not too long

– Easy to pronounce

– Check if a domain is available for that name

– Keep it professional


Step #2: Select your services & Niches 

Decide on a service or multiple services that you would like to offer first. After that, think about a niche in which you would like to offer your services. You can always add more services or change your niche in the future. Below are few examples of some services and Niches.

– Bookkeeping for Entrepreneurs specifically for stay-at-home moms

– Office Administration in the Real Estate Niche

– Social Media Management in the Life Coaching Niche

– Customer Service Rep in the Cleaning Service Business

It is better to pick a niche rather than offering your services to everyone. If you select one niche people will feel that you specialize in that niche. People tend to hire Virtual Assistants who specialize in specific niches rather than hiring a general VA. You can start by offering your services in multiple niches until you decide on a niche that you enjoy working in.

Step #3: Branding Board

Create a branding board for your business. A branding board is a document that has all of the elements which you will be using to brand your business. Some examples would be the color, font name, logo, and graphics.

Suggestion: Do not spend too much time on this since you can always rebrand your business in the future. Most people skip this step and then pay someone else to do it. You can hire someone on Upwork to create a logo for you if you find this part hard.

Step #4: Create your pricing sheet

Create a sheet with your pricing on it. You can set hourly pricing or fixed monthly packages. I would suggest doing both when you first launch your business. After you experience how long it would take to complete a task, you can create fixed monthly packages. Fixed monthly packages are more profitable because you can finish the work more quickly or delegate it as well. A fixed monthly package also lowers the number of conflicts that you have with the client. If you charge hourly, clients always wonder if you are recording hours accurately or working too slow.

Pricing should be based on market value, your skill level, and the amount of work. Do not charge based on where you reside. For example, people think that a VA who lives in a third-world country should charge $3-$5 per hour. That’s not fair! You must decide what you are worth and charge accordingly.


Step #5 Create a website 

Creating a website is extremely important. Having a website makes people trust your business and makes your business look legit. To create a website, all you need is a domain name and a hosting plan. Purchasing a Domain name and creating a website is not costly. Once you create a website you will get a professional email with it as well. An example of a professional email is Make sure to use your domain email when you email a potential client.


Bluehost charges only $2.95 monthly, you can register here, and purchasing a domain name costs $10-$16 per year. Please note below is an affiliate link for Bluehost. You can host your website through multiple other companies, but Bluehost is one of the cheapest and most reliable.

Creating a website is simple these days. You can use a pre-made template through WordPress and create a website within few hours. Most of the pre-made templates are easy to edit and design.

Step #6: Setup your Social media pages (Business)

Your business needs to have a social media presence since people rely on social media to check for reviews. Social media is one of the best ways to advertise your business as well. I would suggest creating a Facebook business page and an Instagram page. I do recommend using Pinterest as well.

Step #7: Create a contract template

It’s crucial to have a contract signed between you and your client before starting any work. Not only does it protect you from being scammed but it draws legal boundaries between you and the client.

Below Is a list of things that a contract must have

– Signature

– Names and dates

– Payment amount

– Payment due date

– Late fees penalty information

– Job description

– Termination outline

– Job completion date – If it is a one-time job

– Privacy protection of the clients work


Make sure to sign the contract before you start doing any work for the client. If a client refuses to sign a contract, then there is a high possibility that he/she is a scammer or just hesitant. If the client is hesitant, then start out by explaining why having a contract is important and that a contract protects both the client and the virtual assistant. Sometimes a client is hesitant to sign a contract because the contract is too long or confusing. Make sure that your contract is simple and precise.

Step #8: Create a Portfolio

 A portfolio is similar to a resume. A portfolio has examples of the work that you have done in the past, services that you offer, and pricing. I highly recommend attaching your Portfolio to every virtual assistant job that you apply for.

Things that you can add to your portfolio
  • Pricing
  • Services that you offer
  • Introduction about yourself
  • Examples of the work that you have done
  • Your contact information
  • Website
  • Social media pages
  • Testimonies (not necessary but a plus)
  • Pictures of the work that you did


Step #9 Start Advertising

Once you have all of the important aspects of your business set up then it’s time to advertise your business! Below is a list of ways on how you can promote your Virtual Assistant Business.

Facebook Groups:

You can advertise your business on Facebook groups that allow you to promote your business. DO NOT spam your website/business info on every group as this will lead to you getting kicked out of the group. You can join groups to network with others which will lead to getting referrals and possibly finding clients.

Facebook Business Page:

Create a Facebook business page to promote your business. You can post content a few times per week to get followers/likes on your page. You can also use your business page to run Facebook ads.

Freelancing Website

There are multiple freelancing websites that you can use to find clients. One of the most famous freelancing websites is Upwork. You can learn more about Upwork HERE

Step # 10 Client management

Client management is important for every business. Once you have found your first client, make sure that you complete all of the tasks on time and provide excellent customer service. Once you build a good client base, they may refer your services to others. There are a lot of tools that you can use to make sure that your business is organized and running smoothly. You will need a time tracking website to track your hourly-based contract, a CRM to keep track of your clients, invoicing app, an accounting app, and organization apps.

These ten easy steps can assist you with starting your Virtual Assistant business right away. Everything takes time. With consistency and hard work, you will get your first client in no time!

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